AutoCad Tips - Fucntion Key References

Function Key Reference
The keyboard function keys F1- F12 control settings that are commonly turned on and off as you work in the product.

F1HelpDisplays Help for the active tooltip, command, palette or dialog box.
F2Expanded historyDisplays an expanded command history in the Command window.
F3Object snapTurns object snap on and off.
F43D object snapTurns additional object snaps for 3D on and off.
F5IsoplaneCycles through 2D isoplane settings.
F6Dynamic UCS (AutoCAD only)Turns automatic UCS alignment with planar surfaces on and off.
F7Grid displayTurns the grid display on and off.
F8OrthoLocks cursor movement to horizontal or vertical.
F9Grid snapRestricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.
F10Polar trackingGuides cursor movement to specified angles.
F11Object snap trackingTracks the cursor horizontally and vertically from object snap locations.
F12Dynamic inputDisplays distances and angles near the cursor and accepts input as you use Tab between fields.

Note: F8 and F10 are mutually exclusive-turning one on will turn the other off.


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